I'll share some basic stuff, very easy to use, and very useful, basically its how to customize parts of your template.

If you want to make an announcement just for guests in header or anywhere, like "To gain full access click here to register" or whatever, do this:

Keep in mind, those edits are done in the style files root/styles/*/template/

Add this code where you'd like the announcement to be shown only for guests:

<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
Table code + the announcement should be added between the tags.
<!-- ENDIF -->
However if you want to make an announcement just for registered members:

Table code + the announcement should be added between the tags.
<!-- ENDIF -->
If you would like to make an announcement only for admins (of course you can make a complete section just for admins, but sometimes its useful:

<!-- IF U_ACP -->
Table code + the announcement should be added between the tags.
<!-- ENDIF -->
For moderators and Admins:

<!-- IF U_ACP or U_MCP -->
Table code + the announcement should be added between the tags.
<!-- ENDIF -->
You don't have to only use that for announcement, for example, if you have a shoutbox or anything similar that you would like to only show for members:

Shoutbox table code here
<!-- ENDIF -->
So basically you can do a lot of things with these simple codes, but if you don't have any basic knowledge of HTML, then I advise you to not edit anything.
el_jentel1 Reviewed by el_jentel1 on . Tips & How to's [phpBB3] I'll share some basic stuff, very easy to use, and very useful, basically its how to customize parts of your template. If you want to make an announcement just for guests in header or anywhere, like "To gain full access click here to register" or whatever, do this: Keep in mind, those edits are done in the style files root/styles/*/template/ Add this code where you'd like the announcement to be shown only for guests: <!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> Table code + the announcement Rating: 5