We are looking for two support staff.

Company: World Wide XS Australia

What we expect from you?
1) Experience with hosting.
2) Good English skills.
3) A minimum of 4 hours a day online.

What we offer to our support staff:
1) A good working atmosphere
2) A great team
3) Free hosting for as long as you sit in our team
4) If proven you've worked well after a month we offer fixed hours at fixed salary. (in consultation)

Are you interested?

Send an email to: employee@worldwidexs.com.au

Tell in the mail the following:
1) Age
2) Location / Time Zone
3) Time Online
4) Experiences
5) Motivation
WorldWideXS Reviewed by WorldWideXS on . Looking for support / sales crew We are looking for two support staff. Company: World Wide XS Australia What we expect from you? 1) Experience with hosting. 2) Good English skills. 3) A minimum of 4 hours a day online. What we offer to our support staff: Rating: 5