I was reading through the HTML Standards documentation and came across something I didn't know about that's pretty useful and incredibly easy to add.

Most people know if you have a link you can add what's called a rel attribute. The one people are most familiar with is rel="nofollow". Other examples are next, previous, bookmark, external, author etc.

The one I never heard of before is rel="noreferrer"

The HTML documents state
Requires that the user agent not send an HTTP Referer (sic) header if the user follows the hyperlink.
What this means is if you click the link your browser won't tell the new page you land on where you came from. Most of the time you want the opposite but there are uses. For example if you have say a DDL site you may not want the admin area showing up as a referrer. I remember knowing exactly when Katz viewed my site for a re-rate as I'd see when a link from their admin area turned up as a visitor. When I worked on MechoDDL I built a redirect script that was slow and annoying for an admin just so the admin area wouldn't turn up in the referral traffic stats on the site being re-rated.

Instead if your browser is fairly current you could just add rel="noreferrer" and your browser will do the rest.

I know it's only useful to a few people but it's very useful and quick when needed and want to hide something secret. I'd suggest adding it to links in admin areas, VIP or hidden areas. Private forums that you want to keep secret etc.
Mr Happy Reviewed by Mr Happy on . HTML Links - Hiding parts of your site with rel="noreferrer" I was reading through the HTML Standards documentation and came across something I didn't know about that's pretty useful and incredibly easy to add. Most people know if you have a link you can add what's called a rel attribute. The one people are most familiar with is rel="nofollow". Other examples are next, previous, bookmark, external, author etc. The one I never heard of before is rel="noreferrer" The HTML documents state What this means is if you click the link your browser Rating: 5