On or about May 11th 2010, private BitTorrent?s oldest tracker FatalTracker.com succumbed to their own fatality and folded up shop. Was such a closure really a "legal issue" that finally took this living legend offline - or was it simply a lack of funds? Who knows, but it?s hard to fathom that MAFIAA is still going after unpopular oldtimers to set a hard-nosed precedence against a future generation of private trackers. Sure, right. Take down the oldest one, and the rest will fall. Excerpt from FatalTracker:
Due to a legal issue fatal must close. We are not sure if this will be permanent or temporary at this point.

Our sister site has opened its doors to any and all who wish to join.
You can Use this link for an added bonus
(broken link removed*)

Any info as it comes will be relayed there, thank you for your understanding.
Online for more than 7 years, most torrenters have never even heard of this dinosaur. No wonder; you probably haven?t heard of SuprNova, EliteTorrents or LokiTorrent either. Tracker history suggests being ?long in the tooth? doesn?t necessarily assure sustained longevity - just look to TorrentIT (TiT), a once very well-respected tracker from the same golden era as FatalTracker and ET - TiT was recently wiped out mainly due to unpopularity. Which translates to a smaller member base, which in turn means fewer donations to keep it all going. As Bob Dylan once sang, The Times They Are a-Changin?.
*Moreover, FatalTracker in its announcement points to The-Scene-Nation as a sister site. We?re not denouncing Scene-Nation here; but rather, the choices for which FT had affiliated with. One might assume the longest-running private tracker to have connections with sceners, topsites, nukenets, scene trackers. Apparently not.
Good news is: You might be able to buy (or bid on) the FatalTracker.com domain name once it expires on 19-11-2010. For nostalgic purposes only.
Daniel Reviewed by Daniel on . FatalTracker.com Closes; Blames ?Legal? Issues http://screensnapr.com/u/sdpwme.png On or about May 11th 2010, private BitTorrent?s oldest tracker FatalTracker.com succumbed to their own fatality and folded up shop. Was such a closure really a "legal issue" that finally took this living legend offline - or was it simply a lack of funds? Who knows, but it?s hard to fathom that MAFIAA is still going after unpopular oldtimers to set a hard-nosed precedence against a future generation of private trackers. Sure, right. Take down the Rating: 5