If you are a sBorg Hosting reseller, these tips may save your business and earn you more review in the shortest time. So, here i go!

Know what sBorg is
If you are reselling sBorg hosting, you MUST know what sBorg is and how it works. We have a manual. Go through it. Use sBorg yourself for a month or so. Learn the error messages you get and remember what you did to get them. No one likes a host which has no idea what he is hosting, so knowledge of sBorg may save you from losing clients.

Know your server limits
You can host everyone on just 1 server, no matter how big it is. Know your server limits and limit number of clients per server. On a 2 GB ram server with 2 shared cores, you can host between 5 to 8 clients (depending on your vps space and node specs). Dont load everyone on just one server. They wont like it when server goes down on em.

Save install tickets
Remember that it takes from 12 mins to 12 hours for us to process a order for additional install tickets. So order with atleast 1 ticket on hand.

Remove fixed/non-refundable charges
I know it seems obivious but some hosts still want to charge a non-refundable fee. Your clients will not like this fee when they ask for a refund. Include the price in your plans and give it back to them when they ask for a refund. You may lose just $2.5, but you wont lose potential clients from the rejected clients bad mouthing you.

Get a decent control panel on a LINUX server
Although sBorg supports windows, it does not mean sBorg runs same on both servers. You can "use" sBorg on windows server, but best performance can be obtained on Linux only. Install cPanel or Virtualmin control panel on your server following the manual. This will make sborg perform better on your server.

Keep clients happy
If you keep your clients happy, they will make you happy. Offer promotions, free upgrade offers, and free demo accounts. Let them test out your server before they get hosted. Give your own sBorg for demo. This will save u a install ticket as you dont have to refund them if they dont like your server.

Response to support request quickly
If you get a support request, respond to it as soon as you can. If you dont know what they asked, reply that they are put on hold and ask anyone who does. Remember that saying they need to contact sBorg for support makes them think you dont know anything. This will make them shift to a host who does.

sBorg Plans
Dont put unlimited hosting plans. Always put a number. Remember that most of them needs only 10GB space, but lots of bandwidth. So provide lots of bandwidth.

Server IP
Make sure your server IP is not banned from any filehost. A lot of people will not use your service if your IP is banned from hotfile or rapidshare. Change server IP if needed.

Dont lose your cool
Do not namecall or use slangs when addressing your clients, no matter what he did. Dont lose your cool around clients. Make sure you state why his refund request is rejected as clearly as possible.

Thats it!

Good luck with your sBorg Hosting services
somik Reviewed by somik on . [sBorg] Tips for sBorg Hosting Resellers If you are a sBorg Hosting reseller, these tips may save your business and earn you more review in the shortest time. So, here i go! Know what sBorg is If you are reselling sBorg hosting, you MUST know what sBorg is and how it works. We have a manual. Go through it. Use sBorg yourself for a month or so. Learn the error messages you get and remember what you did to get them. No one likes a host which has no idea what he is hosting, so knowledge of sBorg may save you from losing clients. Rating: 5