I am selling a beautiful website template/blog what ever for a price of 20$ fully costomable .PSD file for you!
Its designed by me and you can use for whatever you want! Payment accepted only by PAYPAL no ALERTPAY so if you are intrested contact me on MSN / PM


Also if you want this skin only for you and make you a logo and some changes you will need to pay 60$ and you will get this template as unique nobody have template like you + make a logo for you!

AllSolo Reviewed by AllSolo on . Website template I am selling a beautiful website template/blog what ever for a price of 20$ fully costomable .PSD file for you! Its designed by me and you can use for whatever you want! Payment accepted only by PAYPAL no ALERTPAY so if you are intrested contact me on MSN / PM HERE IS PREVIEW : http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/344/c/2/webtemplate_2_by_r3dc00de-d34m4fa.jpg http://i3.imgkeep.com/i/00035/3m1egzdq6td7.jpg Also if you want this skin only for you and make you a logo and some changes Rating: 5