Hello Sean AlerPay Team

Account Status Temporary Hold

The following will not be available to you during this hold:
  • Make payments
  • Request Money
  • Deposit or withdraw funds
  • Close Account
24 days ago

I Have receiveda message from AlertPay Customer Support
Named ( Account has been breached‏ )
And asked me some data

please include the following information with your reply so we can verify your identity:

? Name:
? Address:
? Phone number:
? First four digits of your bank account, if applicable:
? Last eight digits of your credit card, if applicable:
? Date of birth:
? Internet Service Provider(s)

We need this information to verify the AlertPay account holder. We will re-activate your account once we receive your reply to this email.
I have to respond to them and I added all the required data in the message

And then AlertPay Customer Support reply This Message And Say

Due to general security reasons, your AlertPay account has been flagged by an automated security feature. In keeping with our security policy, we are advising you to complete an additional account verification before you can have full access to your AlertPay account. We will require you to submit the following documents:

? A proof of address statement, such as a bank statement, credit card statement, phone bill or utility bill. The name and address must match with the information listed in your AlertPay account. Please ensure that the statement date is visible and that it is dated within the last 3 months.

? A photo identification document, such as a passport, driver?s license, country/state ID or medical ID. This identification must be valid and cannot be expired. Please ensure that your date of birth is visible and that it is scanned at a high resolution in color.

Please feel free to hide or blank out any irrelevant information such as your driver's license number, account balances, etc.

You may attach the requested documents to your email. Please ensure they are in .jpeg format and under 1 MB in size.
Then I received this message


My name is Yves and I am contacting you on behalf of the AlertPay Account Security Team.

We would like to thank you for the information you have provided. We have informed the concerned department so that they can review it and send you an update.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Thank you for choosing AlertPay

Since then, I did not receive any message
I am in very need for this the account because it is now " Account Status Temporary Hold "
I can not send or receive money through this account

Thank you for your interest

Best Regards ,
DownServ Reviewed by DownServ on . AlertPay Account Status Temporary Hold :( Hello Sean AlerPay Team 24 days ago I Have receiveda message from AlertPay Customer Support Named ( Account has been breached‏ ) And asked me some data It's Rating: 5