Hello Advertisers,

I'm trying to sell adspace on my website at http://ngecity.com,

Website PR: 2

Its a Online Streaming Tv Show / Movie Website.

It gets a daily 8k Unique Visitors and 60%+ is from Search Engine Traffic. Primary Traffic is from the U.S./Canada so its good traffic. Good for any niche.

Im planning to sell all Standard Ads sizes for only $5.00 each per month with only 3 ads rotating for each ad size.

On our website we are currently serving 4 standard ad size formats for sizes : 468x60 ; 728x90 ; 160x600/120x600 ; 300x250

The ads will be shown site wide.

Heres the google Analytics for proof of traffic :

If you wish to purchase you can do it directly here : Purchase Link

Or if you have any more questions please post here or pm me.
Or you can find my on Aim : ngeinc

I Currently only accept Paypal.
ngecity.com Reviewed by ngecity.com on . Adpots $5.00 Per Month any size - 8K UV Daily Traffic - 60%+ Search Engine Traffic ! Hello Advertisers, I'm trying to sell adspace on my website at http://ngecity.com, Website PR: 2 Its a Online Streaming Tv Show / Movie Website. It gets a daily 8k Unique Visitors and 60%+ is from Search Engine Traffic. Primary Traffic is from the U.S./Canada so its good traffic. Good for any niche. Rating: 5