have some free space's for ads:
Alexa Traffic Rank

10k impressions daily, 60 percent from google

Ad places:
under search field:
125x125 - 15usd/month
150x150 - 20usd/month
200x200 - 25usd/month
250x250 - 30usd/month
300x250 - 35usd/month

under fb group:
125x125 - 10usd/month
150x150 - 13usd/month
200x200 - 15usd/month
250x250 - 18usd/month
300x250 - 25usd/month

We also can put skin banner like now we have winner poker (size: 1600x800) - 200usd/month

Contact via: PM
Payments accepted in paypal
Doviz Reviewed by Doviz on . Ad places in have some free space's for ads: Alexa Traffic Rank 259,566 10k impressions daily, 60 percent from google Ad places: under search field: 125x125 - 15usd/month 150x150 - 20usd/month Rating: 5