* We buy ADULT mobile traffic from all mobile devices.

* We have .htaccess code for website owners so we count every mobile visitor redirect that come into your site.

* Only one account per person allowed.

* We don't accept traffic from PC sources, only mobile devices surfers are counted.

* We don't accept Bot traffic or Open proxy cheat traffic.

* Minimum Payout is 5$ Only.

* Payments Sent twice a month on 1st and 16th each month.

* We pay through system of WebMoney (WMZ) Mass Payout.

* If you would like to get paid via PayPal please send us request to our support at payment[@]admob24.com

AdMob24 Reviewed by AdMob24 on . AdMob24.com - We Buy all your Mobile Traffic Redirects $$$$$ http://admob24.com/slogo.jpg * We buy ADULT mobile traffic from all mobile devices. * We have .htaccess code for website owners so we count every mobile visitor redirect that come into your site. * Only one account per person allowed. * We don't accept traffic from PC sources, only mobile devices surfers are counted. Rating: 5