i have vBulletin 3.7.2 and im having problems with the style the images load for everypage but members list and user profiles its putting members/list/ infront of where the images should be for the members list page and /members/ for the user profiles how do i fix this here is a screen so you know what im talking about
TheWarezNet Reviewed by TheWarezNet on . help with style i have vBulletin 3.7.2 and im having problems with the style the images load for everypage but members list and user profiles its putting members/list/ infront of where the images should be for the members list page and /members/ for the user profiles how do i fix this here is a screen so you know what im talking about http://www.besthostingforums.com/images/cdn/besthostingforums.com/2009/01/34.jpg Rating: 5