Why Eaglehost?
Unlike a lot of other hosts, we offer premium storage and bandwidth. We make sure speed and uptime always comes first. Without this, what do we have to show for our company. We feel like we have something to prove to show that were not just some new hosting company.

Our support and sales always come first. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Click Here to submit a ticket as guest.

Our Shared Hosting Plans:

Bronze Plan
10 GB Space | 200 GB Bandwith
Websites to host: up to 3
Unlimited Features

$3.00 USD Monthly (Free Domain)
$9.00 USD Quarterly (Free Domain)
$14.00 USD Semi-Annually (Free Domain)
$24.00 USD Annually (Free Domain)
$44.00 USD Biennially (Free Domain)

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Silver Plan
20 GB Space | 300 GB Bandwith
Websites to host: up to 8
Unlimited Features

$4.00 USD Monthly (Free Domain)
$13.00 USD Quarterly (Free Domain)
$17.00 USD Semi-Annually (Free Domain)
$30.00 USD Annually (Free Domain)
$45.00 USD Biennially (Free Domain)

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Gold Plan
50 GB Space | 600 GB Bandwith
Websites to host: up to 20
Unlimited Features

$6.00 USD Monthly (Free Domain)
$12.00 USD Quarterly (Free Domain)
$17.00 USD Semi-Annually (Free Domain)
$35.00 USD Annually (Free Domain)
$55.00 USD Biennially (Free Domain)

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Plantium Plan
Unmetered Space | Unmetered Bandwith
Unlimited Websites to host
Unlimited Features

$8.00 USD Monthly (Free Domain)
$19.00 USD Quarterly (Free Domain)
$35.00 USD Semi-Annually (Free Domain)
$65.00 USD Annually (Free Domain)
$80.00 USD Biennially (Free Domain)

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Our Reseller Hosting Plans:

Little Eagle plan
300 GB Space | Unmetered Bandwith
Create up to 100 Accounts cp
Unlimited Features

$7.00 USD Monthly(Free Domain)
$17.00 USD Quarterly(Free Domain)
$37.00 USD Semi-Annually(Free Domain)
$55.00 USD Annually(Free Domain)
$80.00 USD Biennially(Free Domain)

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Eagle Plan
Unmetered Space | Unmetered Bandwith
Unlimited Accounts Allowed
Unlimited Features

$12.00 USD Monthly (Free Domain)
$25.00 USD Quarterly (Free Domain)
$50.00 USD Semi-Annually(Free Domain)
$80.00 USD Annually(Free Domain)
$120.00 USD Biennially (Free Domain)

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You can check it HERE

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kicker-hp_27 Reviewed by kicker-hp_27 on . Eagle Hosting - Shared Hosting Solution Eagle Host Why Eaglehost? Unlike a lot of other hosts, we offer premium storage and bandwidth. We make sure speed and uptime always comes first. Without this, what do we have to show for our company. We feel like we have something to prove to show that were not just some new hosting company. Our support and sales always come first. If you have any questions, please contact us. Click Here to submit a ticket as guest. Our Shared Hosting Plans: Rating: 5