
I want to sell my website statistics site.

The site: http://www.UsersTracking.com

Domain registered at GoDaddy at 26/12/10
The domain vaild until 26/12/11
Domain Value: 520$ (Estibot appraisal)

UsersTracking.com isn't open, as I don't have time to manage this site, also I don't even install the script.
I buy 1 license for this script Here
You can see there the features of the script, demo and more.
Demo: http://trendstats.net/

No traffic as I don't have time to manage and advertise the site.

For the buyer:
I push free the domain via godaddy.
I'll send him the script

Price - 90$

Payment - Paypal.

MSN - aviv_amram@msn.com

ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . Website Statistics Site - whos.amung.us Clone Hi, I want to sell my website statistics site. The site: http://www.UsersTracking.com Domain: Domain registered at GoDaddy at 26/12/10 The domain vaild until 26/12/11 Domain Value: 520$ (Estibot appraisal) Rating: 5