Hello Advertisers,

If your looking to purchase Ad Space, Why not try buying from our website at http://ngecity.com

This is a High traffic site which generates over 20K Pageviews a day with 6k Unique Visitors Daily.

Over 55% of the traffic is Search Engine Traffic and over 30% is Direct Traffic.

We are offering the Ad formats of the following below for $5.00 each for 2 weeks Cheap! -

160x600 = $5.00 for 2 Weeks
300x250 = $5.00 for 2 Weeks
468x60 = $5.00 for 2 Weeks
728x90 = $5.00 for 2 Weeks

We accept Alertpay and Paypal.

To purchase you can pm or post here for questions and info on how to make payment,

If you do not wish to wait and want to purchase immediately you can by using our direct purchase so that once payment is made the ad will go live 30min. after the payment has been made by clicking here : Direct Purchase

Also we sell text link ads on our website for $2.00 a month or $5.00 for 3 months. Pm or post here if you wish to make a purchase for a text link!

Below is the proof of traffic and our stats which prove that it is real!
ngecity.com Reviewed by ngecity.com on . $5 Adspace on High Traffic Site-PR2-Daily 6K UV and over 55% Search Engine Traffic! Hello Advertisers, If your looking to purchase Ad Space, Why not try buying from our website at http://ngecity.com This is a High traffic site which generates over 20K Pageviews a day with 6k Unique Visitors Daily. Over 55% of the traffic is Search Engine Traffic and over 30% is Direct Traffic. We are offering the Ad formats of the following below for $5.00 each for 2 weeks Cheap! - Rating: 5