I give you GuideGuide: a columns, rows and midpoints panel for Photoshop CS4 & CS5

*Note* Thanks to all the love you guys have been showing GuideGuide, I?ve come across a number of improvements and features I plan to fix/implement. Please see the bottom of this post to see what?s coming up.

After many hours spent meticulously nudging nav elements and building grids for layout in web comps, I began to wonder why Photoshop didn?t have a grid tool like InDesign. At a certain point I decided to stop thinking about it and just build a tool to do it for me.

How To Install
Download GuideGuide below. Unzip the file and copy the resulting guideguide folder into the Panels folder found at:

Windows (32 bit)*: \Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop \Plug-Ins\Panels\
Windows (64 bit)*: \Program Files\Adobe Photoshop \Plug-Ins\Panels\
Mac: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop /Plug-Ins/Panels/

Once that is done, restart Photoshop and find your panel under Window>Extensions>GuideGuide.

*On 64 bit systems, Photoshop is installed in both locations by default. If you launch Photoshop and do not see GuideGuide, make sure you have installed it in the version you have launched.
Amodity Reviewed by Amodity on . Photoshop Designers: Here's GuideGuide http://www.cameronmcefee.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/guideguide_screenshot.jpg Download http://www.cameronmcefee.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/guideguide_1.0.zip Website http://www.cameronmcefee.com/guideguide/ Rating: 5