Im using RSS feeds from wshh to display their videos on my site.
I've added a embedding mod so i just put the full url in the post without any tags around the link & the video shows up in the post.

But when the RSS poster posts a thread it shows the link instead of the video. I just have to click edit then click save then the video shows up.

So is there a easyer way than to manually 'click edit & click save' about 50 - 80 threads a day?
Like is it possable to set up a cron job to edit topics in 1 sub forum, say every 30 mins?
blow Reviewed by blow on . Automatically Edit Topics Im using RSS feeds from wshh to display their videos on my site. I've added a embedding mod so i just put the full url in the post without any tags around the link & the video shows up in the post. But when the RSS poster posts a thread it shows the link instead of the video. I just have to click edit then click save then the video shows up. So is there a easyer way than to manually 'click edit & click save' about 50 - 80 threads a day? Like is it possable to set up a cron job to Rating: 5