DLE IMDb Grabber Pro allows you to extract information about a particular movie from its IMDB page. It consist of a PHP class which grabs details based on Movie/TV show?s name, Its IMDB ID or even its full IMDB URL. Currently extracts follow details of the movie or show: identifier, name, score, Director, released date, writing credits, genre, tag lines, plot, awards, also known as name, run time, country, language, Aspect ratio, sound mix, a random comment, poster image, cast and trailer.

1. Works in all DataLife Engine Releases
2. Clean and object oriented PHP codes.
3. Shows Info in BBCODE Editor
4. Shows Info in WYSIWYG Editor
5. Fully customizable
6. AJAX/ jQuery based
7. Simply include the DLE IMDb Grabber Pro (3 min)

Demo admin: (Login= demo Password= demo)

Demo frontend

Price: 18 euro

sales page

I want to buy it, if you want it too contact me
Drinkordie Reviewed by Drinkordie on . DLE IMDb Grabber Pro http://www.ddl-turkey.net/uploads/posts/2011-08/thumbs/1314664676_imdb_logo.png DLE IMDb Grabber Pro allows you to extract information about a particular movie from its IMDB page. It consist of a PHP class which grabs details based on Movie/TV show?s name, Its IMDB ID or even its full IMDB URL. Currently extracts follow details of the movie or show: identifier, name, score, Director, released date, writing credits, genre, tag lines, plot, awards, also known as name, run time, country, Rating: 5