Watching videos on Facebook can become really frustrating at times. You play a video, and have to remain stuck at the same part of the page until it finishes, since if you scroll away to continue your social activities on Facebook, you lose sight of the video. Facebook Video Player is an extension for Google Chrome that enhances your video-watching experience on the social-networking giant by allowing you to play Facebook videos in a fixed location, to the right side of the page. Using this extension, you no longer have to pause your commenting or wall-posting, since you?ll always have the video in front of you. More after the break.

Install Facebook Video Player For Chrome
Daniel Reviewed by Daniel on . Facebook Video Player Watching videos on Facebook can become really frustrating at times. You play a video, and have to remain stuck at the same part of the page until it finishes, since if you scroll away to continue your social activities on Facebook, you lose sight of the video. Facebook Video Player is an extension for Google Chrome that enhances your video-watching experience on the social-networking giant by allowing you to play Facebook videos in a fixed location, to the Rating: 5