Respected ranks are only given if they are nominated by a member of staff or an existing respected member. We then have a discussion on why X should be respected, if the majority vote yes, they're promoted to respected (and vice versa). Unfortunately, coolboyz2323 will need to try harder, helping with GFX isn't entirely helpful to the whole community.

This is a discussion thread on the custom sig generator, and I would like you all to stay on topic please. The above was to answer Breaking Bad and rkze1, if you wish to discuss the above further, PM a member of staff.
Hawk Reviewed by Hawk on . KWWHunction custom signature generator - Enjoy! KWWHunction and the Graphic Designers have been hard at work preparing a useful new tool that will help you create a unique sig or other graphic. Please Check out - Our custom sig maker allows you to personalize your posts with custom designs made using the built-in tools: - Select the size of sig or button - Choose from a colored background, custom template designed by KWWHunction Graphic Designers, or upload an image from your computer - Choose a text Rating: 5