Quote Originally Posted by Rox View Post
enough said?

he's telling he has kloxo and you are asking him to install cpanel
duh !...As if you said something diff from other & said enough guide for install..lol

I don't know nothing about VPS (newbie), I used before a shared hosting and I know how to deal with it but this one is very tough for me.
This is reason I said to go for Cpanel as he is friendly with it and the cpanel/DA cp comes with hit stack (you don't have to worry about installing php,mysql,apache etc)...& also has good security.Cpanel/DA makes life easier.
Kloxo is open source free software(control panel)..
Boxsolot guy is friendly and I often saw him helping his client.

masterbator gave link for the Installation tut for Kloxo..However, you should also make sure & secure your Server.

I personally find Kloxo is really buggy cpanel..the scripting side is really a big mess up...by deault it uses postfix to handle e-mails..
Anyways..make sure to have update-to-date Kernel so some scanner would not get you hack.this was the case in earlier kernel version bug allowing hacker to re-write all pages.
Using open source tool are kinda risky as everyone knows the source code & exploits.

DirectAdmin is cheaper than cpanel if you plan to go for it..Btw, most of the host offers free cpanel ..ask if your host offering it for free.