Hey everyone

eventhough i'm a muslim i still wanna celebrate christmas with everyone .
i will do some giveaways about the stuff i have and i dun need (started with that vps few days ago) .
Okay reply here if you are in .
NOTE : your post number is the number you choose so just type i'm in or count me in or anytihng like that .
FYI : you will need to have a rapidshare (free) account and i will transfer rapids to you which will make you account premium for 1 mon , or if you are already premium you can use em to extend .
NightMare Reviewed by NightMare on . [Giveaway] First christmas giveaway (free 1 month rapidshare premium account) Hey everyone :D http://www.christmas39.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/merry-christmas-greetings.jpg eventhough i'm a muslim i still wanna celebrate christmas with everyone . i will do some giveaways about the stuff i have and i dun need (started with that vps few days ago) . Okay reply here if you are in . NOTE : your post number is the number you choose so just type i'm in or count me in or anytihng like that . FYI : you will need to have a rapidshare (free) account and i will Rating: 5