Hi I need help in instolling rl sbrog rutorrent in a fress vps

and all download directory have to same......

i instolled sbrog using this method :

How to setup a Linux Server for sBorg:

Get a VPS with 512 MB to 4 GB ram, and 1~2 processor cores. Space and BW is upto you.

Get a subdomain from http://freedns.afraid.org/ or make one with your domain or request one from sBorg through support.
Point the subdomain to your server IP by adding a A entry (Important).
Add the subdomain as your host name in VPS control panel (optional).
Install Centos 5.x version (64 bit recommended).
Run a update on the VPS:
yum -y update
Reboot VPS (important):
shutdown -r 0
Install Virtualmin control panel:
wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh
sh ./install.sh
Install PHP 5.3.x (DO NOT COPY PASTE)
rpm -ivh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/`uname -i`/webtatic-release-5-1.noarch.rpm
yum --enablerepo=webtatic install php -y
If your server IP address is then Login to Virtualmin control panel by going to
Run post-install setup (top right). Choose settings as you need.
Open System Settings > Server Templates, Click on Custom under Apache, set PHP execution method as CGI-Wrapper.
Edit the Default Plan in System Settings > Account Plans and set your default plan to all unlimited.
Click on Create a Virtual Server (this will create ur account).
Enter Your subdomain that you created, password for your account, and preferred account user name, and create the account.
If everything goes OK, logout (bottom left) from root account.
Enter the username & password you entered while creating your new account and click Login
Click on Webmin Modules > File manager.
Upload and extract sBorg.zip (installer) inside public_html or make a ?sborg? folder in public_html and extract there.
Go to http://sub.domain.com/install.php or http://sub.domain.com/sborg/install.php (depending on where you extracted your files) and click install once to setup your php.ini files and then enter your sBorg email and key.
Now Setup sBorg the way you like. Follow the sBorg Users Manual for more information.
Click here to download the official sBorg php.ini file.

then i created a new virtual server in webmin and then puted rapidleech files and tryed to instoll then i got internal server error

and i didnt tried rutorrent instoll.......

so please give me instrusction in which all thing work fully........

sborg (in sbrog default transmission also have to work.)

main thing is all download directory have to same in one folder so i can do all thing eaisly

thanks in advance
indianmoviefans.info Reviewed by indianmoviefans.info on . Hi I need help in instolling rl sbrog rutorrent in a fress vps Hi I need help in instolling rl sbrog rutorrent in a fress vps and all download directory have to same...... i instolled sbrog using this method : How to setup a Linux Server for sBorg: Rating: 5