Recently, i noticed that my RSS feeds were leeched by many sites, an ip ban would have been enough but not for feedburner.

Here is another solution to keep your links safe with wordpress:

Add these lines in your functions.php file (in /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/functions.php) :

PHP Code: 
function mytheme_content_feed($feed_type null) {
    if ( !
$feed_type )
$feed_type get_default_feed();

$more_restore $more;
$more 0;
$content apply_filters('the_content'get_the_content('Read more on'));
$more $more_restore;
$content str_replace(']]>'']]>'$content);

Melder Reviewed by Melder on . More tag in RSS feed for WordPress Recently, i noticed that my RSS feeds were leeched by many sites, an ip ban would have been enough but not for feedburner. Here is another solution to keep your links safe with wordpress: Add these lines in your functions.php file (in /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/functions.php) : function mytheme_content_feed($feed_type = null) { if ( !$feed_type ) $feed_type = get_default_feed(); Rating: 5