Quote Originally Posted by JamesVaporH View Post
All of that is useless steps.
/scripts/upcp --force
Is all you need to do the yum part has nothing to do with cpanel as cpanel forces all yum installs. The mail and mysql is reinstalled also via the upcp force install.
Useless in what way ?
Bharat Reviewed by Bharat on . How to Forcefully Reinstall cPanel There comes a time in everyone's security life you need to rebuild a cpanel server.. i'm talking about the OS, whm/cpanel and it's modules.. not websites. I wanted to document the process I use to rebuild it: 1. Force an CentOS/Redhat Reinstall by: Create an empty directory: mkdir /tempreinstall CD into the new empty directory: cd /tempreinstall Force a Yum update: yum reinstall * delete the temp empty directory Rating: 5