What are the chances MD5 checksum is the same, filesize is the same, but the file content is different? Do the filehosts delete by MD5?

I am curious what kind of storage they use, Local HD storage? or some high end storage that does de-dup and compression? so even one file getting deleted, part of the blocks sharing with another file might still present on the storage unless all files linked to that block have been deleted.

estancia Reviewed by estancia on . MD5 checksum to identify the same file What are the chances MD5 checksum is the same, filesize is the same, but the file content is different? Do the filehosts delete by MD5? I am curious what kind of storage they use, Local HD storage? or some high end storage that does de-dup and compression? so even one file getting deleted, part of the blocks sharing with another file might still present on the storage unless all files linked to that block have been deleted. Thoughts/Insights?? Rating: 5