
We have had many customers asking us if we will ever offer semi dedicated hosting, we had originally thought about it but we didn't find it to intriguing. But suddenly, we have received a HUGE amount of people that were interested this time that we decided to go ahead and give it a shot. We went ahead and have purchased a server and configured it. This server is now ready and is located in Canada located with our other servers. With SwaggerHost you get the power of not 1, 2, 5, or even 10 servers linked together but the power of a datacenter to power your website. We also do not allow overselling on any of the Semi-Dedicated Hosting Servers.

So what is semi dedicated hosting, and why do people want it?

Well all it is really, is MUCH less crowded server. Now, were not saying that all hosts overcrowd / overload their services (atleast we don't!). But with semi dedicated hosting, you are allowed to use more resources than most hosts allow. Now usually the average host allows 10% of resources to be used for a certain amount of time, whereas semi dedicated hosting, we don't have CPU Limitations, any Execution Limitations, and Specific File Size Limitations. All we ask is no spam, no irc, etc. For our Semi-Dedicated Hosting, we are proud to say we offer 100% uptime guaranteed.

Now why do people want this?

Well most people want semi dedicated hosting because in some cases it is cheaper than upgrading to a vps, but most of all because it is unmanagable. The client does not have to "learn" how to use it, since it is just like shared hosting. The client may like the host's services and not want to move (if they don't provide vps's).


If you are not happy with your service, for beta customers, we are providing a 15 day money back guaranteed(Usually 7!) and also, these prices will be set for life, plus any other services you purchase will be heavily discounted as well. Since this is in beta, we are offering our plans at a much lower rate than expected. The following are the current prices for the beta. If you are interested, please either reply to this post or PM me.

10GB Space
100GB BW
Dedicated IP included

25GB Space
250GB BW
Dedicated IP included

75GB Space
500GB BW
Dedicated IP included

150GB Space
750TB BW
Dedicated IP included

300GB Space
1.5TB Bandwith
Dedicated IP included
swaggerhost Reviewed by swaggerhost on . Semi Dedicated Hosting Beta Lately, We have had many customers asking us if we will ever offer semi dedicated hosting, we had originally thought about it but we didn't find it to intriguing. But suddenly, we have received a HUGE amount of people that were interested this time that we decided to go ahead and give it a shot. We went ahead and have purchased a server and configured it. This server is now ready and is located in Canada located with our other servers. With SwaggerHost you get the power of not 1, 2, 5, or Rating: 5