After much consideration I will be forgoing future version releases of this framework. Bug fixes and minor improvements as needed for projects already running on this framework will be committed and I fully support any future forking attempts, and should one get the attention of the majority of peers I will release claim to the main fork.

Well, PHP although being a language that I have developed in for over 6 years now has always been a struggle. Ive invented, used and hacked my way through it to try and make it the reliable and consistent language that Ive always wanted (all without sacrificing PHPs trademark speed and ease of development).... howeaver it just isnt suitable. Too much time is spent struggling with it, pushing changes and discovering down the track that something is broken due to loose language constructs.

Its not the end of my PHP development, it will always retain a place in my heart and remain a requirement for work but I suspect I will be attempting to move to other languages for future projects. Im not entirely sure where im going to land, most likely with C# and ASP.Net (MVC 4 + Razor OFC).

Sorry Robin, missed your post when you made it. Personally I never really liked any of the other PHP frameworks, the closest other than mine to getting my attention was the new Zend framework 2. However they all felt extremely bloated and unwieldy.