Wiki backlinks will help your site:
-> Good search eninge rank positions
-> Get more website traffic
-> Improve your brand power
-> High quality authority backlinks
-> Maximize your effectivebess in search engine

All Wiki Backlinks will be from all unique domains. There will be no duplicate domains.

You don't need to provide any article. We will scrape an article for you and spin it before creating backlinks.

You will get a full detailed report with exact urls where backlinks were built.

1000+ Wiki Backlinks = $5

Pay via paypal:
Send payment to then send a email to with title "Buy wiki backlinks" and include :
- Your site url
- 1->3 keywords which you wanna seo (we will create,spin article for each keyword)

Are you wanna get free review ?
I will send free 100+ wiki backlinks for 10 first member who send site url,keywork to my email

nYXem90 from digitalpoint

I got a review copy.
I was delivered 127 backlinks.
I checked the domain PRs.
One was PR6, four were PR5, ten PR4 and so on.
So overall its a very good service.
I would recommend it for sure.
Thanks man.

kanishka from digitalpoint

ok, he sent me 100+ review backlinks, and yea they were from various wiki sites across the net. So the service he is giving is quite good. I'd be ordering more from him now.

More review at:
Thanks for use my service
safeservicejt Reviewed by safeservicejt on . Wiki backlinks service starting @ $15 only Wiki backlinks will help your site: -> Good search eninge rank positions -> Get more website traffic -> Improve your brand power -> High quality authority backlinks -> Maximize your effectivebess in search engine All Wiki Backlinks will be from all unique domains. There will be no duplicate domains. Rating: 5