Hello KWWH'ers. I am looking for (a) person(s) who might be interested in a 100% legal project. No get rich quick stuff or illegal download, sharing or anything even remotely like that.

I am getting tired of attempting to fight the system, and that is why I have decided to join it + I am getting too old to attempt to swindle my way through life and now it is time to do something actually constructive. I am not offering you money, hell as an unemployed computer engineer I can barely pay my own rent at the moment.

I am posting this because I know I am not alone in this matter. I know some of you guys are getting sick of trying to scrape off a few cents from downloads or stuff like that. Some of you make more money than a regular Joe working 9 to 5 but that is only a small percentage of you. If you are interested in a project that involves a tedious task of writing. (Yes, I know this is so booooring) Just writing a blog with me about topics yet undecided.

Even if this project doesn't make any money my dream is to offer some people entertainment or information they find valuable. World is too much about making that cash anyways. You can keep 100% of the revenue your articles make. Whether it is advertisement income or some other way you wish to monetize your articles.

All I require from anyone who is interested in this is the ability to speak, read and write English preferably even better than I do and the minimum age of 18. You don't have to have any special skills but if you think you have expertise on any subject don't be afraid to speak your mind.

If you are interested in this project please send a private message where you include the following information: Age, Sex, Location, E-mail address and the topic(s) you might be interested in writing. + any information you think I should know. That is all for now. You can also leave questions or your response to this thread if you don't care that other people see that you are interested in this project.
xyzlow Reviewed by xyzlow on . Looking for a partner(s) Hello KWWH'ers. I am looking for (a) person(s) who might be interested in a 100% legal project. No get rich quick stuff or illegal download, sharing or anything even remotely like that. I am getting tired of attempting to fight the system, and that is why I have decided to join it + I am getting too old to attempt to swindle my way through life and now it is time to do something actually constructive. I am not offering you money, hell as an unemployed computer engineer I can barely pay my Rating: 5