Cynicism Redefined: Why The Copyright Lobby Loves Child Porn

Posted: 23 May 2012, Rick Falkvinge

Copyright Monopoly:

?Child pornography is great,? the man said enthusiastically. ?Politicians do not understand file sharing, but they understand child pornography, and they want to filter that to score points with the public. Once we get them to filter child pornography, we can get them to extend the block to file sharing.?
The date was May 27, 2007, and the man was Johan Schl?ter, head of the Danish Anti-Piracy Group (Antipiratgruppen). He was speaking in front of an audience where the press had not been invited; it was assumed to be copyright industry insiders only. It wasn?t. Christian Engstr?m, who?s now a Pirate Member of the European Parliament, net activist Oscar Swartz, and I were also there.

?My friends,? Schl?ter said. ?We must filter the Internet to win over online file sharing. But politicians don?t understand that file sharing is bad, and this is a problem for us. Therefore, we must associate file sharing with child pornography. Because that?s something the politicians understand, and something they want to filter off the Internet.?
?We are developing a child pornography filter in cooperation with the IFPI and the MPA so we can show politicians that filtering works,? he said. ?Child pornography is an issue they understand.? Schl?ter grinned broadly.
I couldn?t believe my ears as I heard this the first time. But the strategy has been set into motion worldwide.
Schl?ter?s plan worked like clockwork. Denmark was the first country to censor, the (fully legal) Russian music store, and is now censoring The Pirate Bay off the internet. The copyright industry is succeeding in creating a fragmented Internet.


This is a repost of a previous report, which has been updated to reflect recent events. The book,
The Case for Copyright Reform
also describes the scene with Mr. Schl?ter, on page 14.

The Case for Copyright Reform

Legalized file sharing, shorter protection times for the commercial copyright monopoly, free sampling and a ban on DRM.

These are the main points of the proposal for copyright reform that the Pirate Party is advocating and which the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament adopted as its group position in September 2011.
This is a constructive alternative to the controversial ACTA agreement and to the criminalization of the entire generation of youths. This booklet explains why such a reform is both necessary and sustainable and will benefit both citizens and artists.

Download the book here;

This is why you see the copyright lobby bring up child pornography again and again and again. They are using it as a battering ram for censoring any culture outside of their own distribution channels. You can Google the term in any language, together with the copyright lobby organization?s site in that language, and see them continuously coming back to it.

In Sweden, the copyright industry lobbyist Per Str?mb?ck has publicly admitted it being one of his best arguments. Try Googling for the Swedish word for child pornography on the Swedish lobby site and see if you get any hits in any articles. If there was no direct association strategy, you?d not expect to get any hits at all ? you?d not expect them to touch that subject. Instead, you get over 70 hits.

The reasoning is simple and straightforward. Once you have established that someone who is in a position to censor other people?s communication has a responsibility to do so, the floodgates open and those middlemen can be politically charged with censoring anything that somebody objects to being distributed.
It is not hard to see why the copyright lobby is pursuing this avenue so ferociously.
It doesn?t really matter that censorship at the DNS level ? legislating that one particular set of DNS servers must lie ? is ridiculously easy to circumvent: it?s just a matter of changing your DNS provider. The idea is to create a political environment where censorship of undesirable information is seen as something natural and positive. Once that principle has been established, the next step is to force a switch to more efficient censorship filters at the IP or even the content level.

News reached us this week that the so-called six strikes arrangement with Internet Service Providers in the United States has been delayed, but is expected to take effect this year.

This is a quite unpopular agreement between ISPs and the copyright lobby to police the net outside the realm of the law. The arrangement, it turns out, also stems from the copyright industry?s love of child pornography.

?We pointed out to [the governor] that there are overlaps between the child porn problem and piracy,? Mr. Sherman [The RIAA president] said, ?because all kinds of files, legal and otherwise, are traded on peer-to-peer networks.? (New York Times)

Sound familiar? It should. It?s a page right out of the 2007 scene where the Danish Mr. Schl?ter talked about the copyright lobby?s policymaking strategy of associating non-monopolistic sharing of culture with the rape of defenseless children.
This association strategy has now worked in the United States, too.

In the United Kingdom, when the courts ruled that the Internet Service Providers must use their existing child porn filter to also censor The Pirate Bay, who do you think gave the courts that idea? When the court didn?t just mandate that The Pirate Bay be censored, but gave the ISPs explicit instructions for what technology to use to do it? That incident is probably the clearest example of the success of this association strategy, yet.
Just when you think the copyright lobby can?t sink any lower, they surprise you again. And it gets worse. Much worse.

In Europe, the copyright lobby succeeded in pushing Commissioner Cecilia ?Censilia? Malmstr?m to create a similar censorship regime, despite clear setbacks in these ambitions from the European Court of Justice which defended human rights and freedom to communicate against internet censorship.

But taking one step back, would censorship of child pornography be acceptable in the first place? Is the copyright industry perhaps justified in this particular pursuit, beyond their real goal of blocking non-monopolistic distribution?
There are two layers of answers to that. The first is the principal one, whether pre-trial censorship is ever correct. History tells us that it plainly isn?t, not under any circumstance. End of story.

But more emotionally, we can also turn to a German group named Mogis. It is a support group for adult people who were abused as children, and is the only one of its kind. They are very outspoken and adamant on the issue of censoring child pornography.
Censorship hides the problem and causes more children to be abused, they say. Don?t close your eyes, but see reality and act on it. As hard as it is to force oneself to be confronted emotionally with this statement, it is rationally understandable that a problem can?t be addressed by hiding it. One of their slogans is ?Crimes should be punished and not hidden?.
This puts the copyright industry?s efforts in perspective. In this context they don?t care in the slightest about children, only about their control over distribution channels. If you ever thought you knew cynical, this takes it to a whole new level.

The conclusion is as unpleasant as it is inevitable. The copyright industry lobby is actively trying to hide egregious crimes against children, obviously not because they care about the children, but because the resulting censorship mechanism can be a benefit to their business if they manage to broaden the censorship in a follup-up stage. All this in defense of their lucrative monopoly that starves the public of culture.

It?s hard to comprehend that there are people who are so shameless that they would actually do this. But there are. Every time you think the copyright lobby has sunk as morally low as is humanly possible, they come up with new ways to surprise you.
?With time, it becomes clearer that these people will stop at nothing.? ? Danish reporter Henrik Moltke, about a (different) recent run-in with the copyright lobby, and who reminded me of this episode and who observed firsthand the next occasion when Schl?ter and I met, when I reminded Schl?ter of his remarks in front of a silent audience. (Thanks, Henrik.)
Ladybbird1 Reviewed by Ladybbird1 on . Why The Copyright Lobby Loves Child Porn Cynicism Redefined: Why The Copyright Lobby Loves Child Porn Posted: 23 May 2012, Rick Falkvinge Copyright Monopoly:  ?Child pornography is great,? the man said enthusiastically. ?Politicians do not understand file sharing, but they understand child pornography, and they want to filter that to score points with the public. Once we get them to filter child pornography, we can get them to Rating: 5