I was just going through my favourite SEO/Tech Tip blogs and i found this simple and great article which shows how over-optimization kills SERPs of a website.

It lists out the techniques for reducing over-optimization and ultimately leading to recovery from the penguin update penalty.

There’s no doubt about it – it’s a tricky time to work in SEO. If Google’s recent Penguin update has made one thing clear, it’s that even seemingly safe SEO tactics can be turned around and labeled as web spam. Just ask any of the thousands of people online today reporting negative impacts despite following established SEO best practices!

Obviously, there’s no clear solution that’ll guarantee penalty recovery at this point, given the rate at which search engine changes are being rolled out and the unprecedented effect they’re having on the SERPs.

However, we do feel confident in making a few recommendations based on Google’s stated Webmaster Guidelines, including techniques for minimizing on-page over-optimization, backlink over-optimization and low quality content. Hopefully you find these tips helpful when either recovering from a search engine penalty or protecting your site from future attacks!

1 – Minimize on-page over-optimization

2 – Clean up bad links and implement new backlinking best practices

3 – Focus on content quality
Read the complete article here - http://www.singlegrain.com/blog/peng...-optimization/

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Rox Reviewed by Rox on . How To - Recover from the Penalty of Penguin Update I was just going through my favourite SEO/Tech Tip blogs and i found this simple and great article which shows how over-optimization kills SERPs of a website. It lists out the techniques for reducing over-optimization and ultimately leading to recovery from the penguin update penalty. Read the complete article here - http://www.singlegrain.com/blog/penguin-recovery-plan-eliminating-over-optimization/ Share your thoughts after reading the article completely. :) Rating: 5