Domain name:
Registered with: GoDaddy
Expires: 05/10/2013
Starting bid: $15
Increments: $2
Price (BIN): not set
Auction end date: July 15th, 2012
Proof of ownership:
Payment methods: Paypal Only

Additional info: "Neo" means new and "shares" mean general sharing. Short domain name, can be used for technology related, sharing content or stock sharing. More details you can get by sending me a private message.
masterfaster Reviewed by masterfaster on . NeonShares(dot)com Domain name: Registered with: GoDaddy Expires: 05/10/2013 Starting bid: $15 Increments: $2 Price (BIN): not set Auction end date: July 15th, 2012 Proof of ownership: Payment methods: Paypal Only Rating: 5