I want to sell my micro niche site.

The site: http://www.VegetableGardenDesignBlog.com

Domain registered at NameCheap.com at 21/04/2012
The domain vaild until 21/04/2013

VegetableGardenDesignBlog.com is micro niche site about design your vegetable garden.
The site have 5 UNIQUE articles, 100% copypassed, with optimized keywords.
Proof: http://www.VegetableGardenDesignBlog.com/proof.txt

Assume low traffic.

Package Include:
FREE push domain @ NameCheap.com
Site content

Price - 14.99$

Sale Ends - 7/7/12

Payment - Paypal

MSN - aviv_amram@msn.com

ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . Micro Niche Site, Great Domain Name, 5 UNIQUE Articles Hi, I want to sell my micro niche site. The site: http://www.VegetableGardenDesignBlog.com Domain: Domain registered at NameCheap.com at 21/04/2012 The domain vaild until 21/04/2013 Info: Rating: 5