I'm using ipower.com to host one of my websites. I recently installed cubecart v3 - http://www.cubecart.com/ and tried upgrading it to v5.

Instructions were pretty clear - copy and replace the new version onto the old version via FTP.

I did so, and now, on the setup page, it tells me that I'm missing zend optimizer or ioncube in order to encode the setup/cubecart v5.

I tried installing cubecart / zend optimizer but the instructions given by their respective companies do not work... I tried many different ways but does anyone know instruction via ipower.com setup?

what I tried :

changing the php.ini
uploading via ftp installation files of ioncube and zend optimzer
changing [global] settings in the php files

idk what else I can do ): please help!
arthurtengi Reviewed by arthurtengi on . Need help on cubecart php / ipower hosting I'm using ipower.com to host one of my websites. I recently installed cubecart v3 - http://www.cubecart.com/ and tried upgrading it to v5. Instructions were pretty clear - copy and replace the new version onto the old version via FTP. I did so, and now, on the setup page, it tells me that I'm missing zend optimizer or ioncube in order to encode the setup/cubecart v5. I tried installing cubecart / zend optimizer but the instructions given by their respective companies do not work... Rating: 5