Few month ago i made this template, now i wont to sell it.

IMG of work: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/20...el-d538kca.png

PSD include:
- All fonts.
- All layer, and layer styles.
- It's made in 960 grid sistem.

If you buy template you get this template gratis

Gratis PSD:

Allso i can made small redesign as you wish.


Mail: photolevels@gmail.com
Skype: photoshopchannel
Wick Reviewed by Wick on . Gaming Template For Sale Few month ago i made this template, now i wont to sell it. IMG of work: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/164/e/0/blue_gaming_template__steam_rs_by_photoshopchannel-d538kca.png PSD include: - All fonts. - All layer, and layer styles. - It's made in 960 grid sistem. If you buy template you get this template gratis Rating: 5