Quote Originally Posted by dark_hunter View Post
For the month I was with BudgetVDS, the support and uptime was super, you can rest easy knowing your server will be up. Thanks guys.

Side note: I was only with them for a month due to not needing the server anymore nothing to do with the server itself.
Thank you very much for your review.
robert420 Reviewed by robert420 on . BudgetVDS.com - Windows VPS / Linux (US) http://i.imgur.com/zw1UP.png http://i.imgur.com/3hSjY.png We at BudgetVDS are a group of talented young enthusiasts who are keen to provide a decent & reasonable virtual private server hosting service. The experience and the work ethics are the key factors on which we have belief that any of our customer won't be disappointed or forlorn about BudgetVDS services. http://i.imgur.com/DwkQm.png Satisfy every customer. Provide decent affordable service. Rating: 5