
These are expected specs.

Intel Xeon Processor
16 GB or more RAM
1 GBPS or more line
20 GB or "LESS" HDD

Budget is 15$ or less. But that doesn't mean Im ready to pay 15$ for 20 GB. I saw somewhere someone offer 30 GB for 13$ or something. But its out of stock.

Harshadewa Reviewed by Harshadewa on . Custom Netherlands RDP Hello, These are expected specs. Intel Xeon Processor 16 GB or more RAM 1 GBPS or more line 20 GB or "LESS" HDD Budget is 15$ or less. But that doesn't mean Im ready to pay 15$ for 20 GB. I saw somewhere someone offer 30 GB for 13$ or something. But its out of stock. Rating: 5