we are hurting our premium downloaders, and destroying our own reputation.
as the hang time increases every day like this, these premium downloaders are not gonna renew

as i have stopped uploading to extabit for almost a week, unsure payment, all right, i can wait extabit.com for the payment,

but hey, the paygate is killing me harder.

the current paygate is temp,and they probably don't want long term membership to be purchased via i-koruna, because if i-koruna hold their fund too, they are going to be screwed with a lot of money.

damn, i really love the detailed sales stats page from extabit.com, that's awesome.
this is one of the big reason why i tried to work with extabit.com. that shows serious care about uploaders.
even filesonic didn't show so much details.

it's not difficult to show these info, but some host like uploaded.net don't care or refuse to show this much.
there must be some reason behind this, we can imagine they shave sales/stats.

i am not just leaving extabit.com, i am locked with extabit.com,and i am waiting for new condition from extabit that is possible for me to start working with extabit.com again.