I see a lot of people asking questions like how do I get started, where do I start and asking how to make their first money.

So I want to share with you what I would do if I was starting all over again from scratch and how I would scale my business to make six figures a year(since thats the mark everyone seems to want to hit).

First off before we get started I want to share a few things with you that have been crucial for me building multiple six figure businesses.

1. Focus on people 110% of the time. When I stopped focusing on myself, how will I make money and all the typical things that run through peoples heads when they start in this business I started crushing it.

So constantly add value to peoples lives and they will follow your every move, join you in whatever company or product you promote. The key is to really care and not have a secret motive. Of course we all want to make money in this business, but online marketing is built around relationships and trust.

Just get this one thing right and your bank account will never hurt.

2. Focus on only a couple things at once and get so good at them that it's like brushing your teeth.

What do I mean?

Focus on 1 or 2 traffic sources and master them. Don't try to much at once. Focus on mastering those traffic sources and you will get recognition from your peers, people will want to work with you and you can even create products you can sell over and over again.

Only promote one or two products at a time until you get the hang of this business. Learn to tailor all your marketing around these products.

In your emails, videos and content you should be letting people know these three things:

- Why they need it
- What the benefits of the program & product are
- What it will help them achieve(more money, better lifestyle, save time, etc)

Once you get good at producing and making sales you can branch out and promote multiple things. I was able to get on leaderboards for launches and even sell over $15k in personal coaching in 1 day because I focused just a few things and answering those 3 questions in all of my marketing.

3. Be consistent day in and day out.

- With your marketing
- With your daily routine
- With your message your subscribers

Just be consistent for 3-6 months and your income will go through the roof. Most people can't stay consistent for more than 2 days, but I promise you if you do that you will be a rockstar.

4. Believe in yourself- The most important thing you can do is believe in yourself. Tell yourself right now I'm a "Bad Ass" and if someone else can achieve massive success, make lots of money and create an income online that people dream about then so can I.

Once you truly believe in yourself people will believe in you as well. No one wants to follow someone who is unhappy, doubts themselves and doesn't show leadership ability.

I believe everyone has this inside them, but very few let it come out. They're afraid of being judge, afraid people might think they sound funny or are a dreamer.

Embrace your dreams and own the heck out of them.

Now let's get on to the daily plan for you to get results. This is exactly what I would do if I wanted to scale my business and fast.

Step 1: You first want to make sure you have a good sales funnel. Before doing all this work this is crucial.

Create a Facebook Fan Page- I don't care if you have zero fans you need to start thinking of your future when you will use FB PPC and to build your brand.

Create a Facebook Group- This is where you will share helpful tips and really build a relationship with your list. Not everyone will join your group, but the ones that do will be highly targeted leads.

You will make posts daily to your fan page even when you don't have zero fans. Its about consistent action.

In your first follow up email and randomly you should be linking to get people to add you on Facebook. I use both my personal profile and fan page.

I wish I would have did this sooner ; )

Post daily tips, share pictures of your lifestyle, post quotes and use Facebook to really connect with your followers.

I sell coaching, my main business opportunities and affiliate products on Facebook.

Step 2: Do one video a day around a keyword in your niche.

-To get ideas subscribe to a bunch of peoples channels
-Use the google keyword tool for seed ideas

Make sure to optimise the video to rank in Youtube & Google

- Keyword in the title
- Keyword in the description sprinkled through out
- Keyword with timestamps
- Keyword and relevant keywords in tags
- If you have the money build back links to your videos to help push them to the top
- Tell people in your video to subscribe to your channel and click the link in the description.

Link to a squeeze page in the top of the description to build your list.

Post this video on your blog with a short description and optimize the post for the same keyword.

If you have the money use a plugin like lead player to capture leads.

Make sure at the bottom of your post on your blog you ask people to like & share your content on Facebook.

Step 3: Create one blog post(text) around a keyword.

- Make sure to optimize the content like I explained above.

- Share on a Social Media
- Email to your list every now and then
- Ask to like & share on Facebook

Step 4: Use forums like Warrior forum, Betternetworker and digital point to post daily. Some of the best leads will come from the warrior forum.

Many newbies there looking for business opportunities to join and looking for someone to guide and help them.

Do not do what most people do and spam your links, make post with zero value or this is worthless.

Look at what people are asking. Do some research to get the answers for them and leave a helpful post. One of the best ways to learn yourself is learn the process and then teach or share it.

If you know a lot about one topic then this will be easy for you.

If the forums have a article section like the warrior forum and better networker than post your content daily and link to a squeeze page.

Make sure to write real helpful articles. Most people post junk and put zero effort into it. I can easily pull 15-20 leads a day from forums and these are highly targeted leads.

Forum traffic is some of the best traffic you can get. I've sold people into my coaching, business opportunities and anything else I promote from this exact method.

Step 5: Send a email to your list daily.

Don't know how to email?

Watch what the top dogs are doing and model them. The easiest way to succeed in this business is to reverse engineer others. It's how I taught myself everything.

Focus on writing emails that play on lifestyle, what people want to achieve and deep core desires everyone has.

- Spend more time with the family
- Quit their job
- Make big amounts of money daily
- Vacations and travel

Inject your personality into your emails and tell stories often. This is what sells.

Make sure you add more value than you do pitches.

I focus on Value like crazy. I constantly ask my list what they want to learn and then I give it to them.

I was able to put over 75 people in 3 days into a big biz opp launch this year from focusing on my list. I shot straight to the top of the leader boards with some of the heavy hitters in this industry.

You don't need a massive list to succeed, you need a list that loves you. If you want to churn and burn(don't add any value and promote 24/7) you will need to replenish your list fast, but if you add value to peoples lives then you don't need as many leads

Step 6: Reinvest your money into FB PPC and scale your business.

Reinvest 80% of your profits over and over to scale your business until it's automated.

Hire employees to do the things you hate doing. These days I have my employees here in the Philippines handle all the stuff i'm horrible at.

I just focus on high leverage tasks in my business.

I know a lot of people are looking for a secret or they think the ones of us doing well know something you don't.

The secret is hard work, reinvest back into yourself and your business and you can learn everything else as you go. It will never be perfect, you will mess a lot of stuff up along the way, but learn to enjoy the process.

This business can be fun, frustrating and rewarding all at the same time. Stick to your guns and never give up and you will soon be telling the boss you're going on your own.
GarryField Reviewed by GarryField on . How To Create A Six Figure Business In 3-6 Months I see a lot of people asking questions like how do I get started, where do I start and asking how to make their first money. So I want to share with you what I would do if I was starting all over again from scratch and how I would scale my business to make six figures a year(since thats the mark everyone seems to want to hit). First off before we get started I want to share a few things with you that have been crucial for me building multiple six figure businesses. 1. Focus on Rating: 5