Article marketing is a way to get traffic to your website for free. When doing article marketing, you have to ensure that you’re getting the most benefit from your efforts. You have to optimize your articles around a particular keyword and your author byline should entice people to click. If you can do these two things, then your chances for success with article marketing will increase.

You also need to have high quality articles. There’s no use in writing articles if they aren’t going to increase your sales and profits. Another reason to make your articles high quality is so that website owners can publish your articles on their website. This is one way that you will get traffic from your articles.

Another way that you will get traffic to your articles is via the search engines. When users type in a certain query in the search engines, your article will come up because the article directories rank high in the search engines. If you’re wondering what the importance of the search engines are, then we will quickly delve into this matter.

1) SEO

If you have no idea of what SEO stands for, then it means search engine optimization. One thing that you don’t want to do when creating your content is to submit articles that already exist on the internet. When you submit articles that already exist on the internet, you won’t rank as high because your content isn’t unique. The website that will show up first in the search engine rankings are those websites who have a high page rank.

Also, article directories won’t allow you to submit duplicate content to their website. This is just one of the many reasons that you don’t want to submit duplicate content. If you want to stay competitive, then you will want to try your best to get search engine traffic.

To get your article to rank high, create an article and focus it around a certain keyword. Your keyword should appear sparingly throughout your article and should contain a density of about 2-3%. This mean for every 100 words in your article, your keyword should appear about 2-3 times.

Structuring your articles for the search engines is important, but another thing that is important is getting people to click on your website link in your article. This is how you will get traffic. The section where you place your website information is called your author byline and is something that you should think about if you want to get the most out of your marketing efforts.

You will have to consider what you say in your author byline if you want to get the most clicks. This the “about the author” section of your article and there is a whole art and science of getting the most clicks from it. The main thing that you should know is that you should make it clear where your article ends, and where your author byline begins.

You could start it off by typing in all caps “ABOUT THE AUTHOR” or “FOR MORE INFO”. This is the place to show your reader what’s in it for them and how they will benefit from visiting your website.

Be sure to keep these ideas in mind about article marketing and SEO as they are pivotal to your success. Good luck with your article marketing efforts and getting traffic to your website.
GarryField Reviewed by GarryField on . The Importance Of SEO & Your Author Byline When Doing Article Marketing Article marketing is a way to get traffic to your website for free. When doing article marketing, you have to ensure that you’re getting the most benefit from your efforts. You have to optimize your articles around a particular keyword and your author byline should entice people to click. If you can do these two things, then your chances for success with article marketing will increase. You also need to have high quality articles. There’s no use in writing articles if they aren’t Rating: 5