How it works:
We have coded our own affiliate system, this means that you as a webmaster can make money by promoting our website. The main idea is that you put a link or several links at your website pointing to our site. Whenever you send a visitor that buys membership at Sharenation you will get $25 USD! You are even able to track how many clicks you sent and how many sales you have made from our webmaster panel! Great idea right?

Why us?
* Earn a stable 25$ per sale
* Free website optimization to earn more $$$
* Bi-monthly payments (1st and 16th of each month)
* Use the money you earned immediately after payment
* We are the best converting membership site
* You get paid by ePassporte! One of the most populair online payment processor that is worldwide available!

Join now and make some money!

Webmasters Q&A
Q: How can I track how much I've earned?
A: We invested alot into a custom designed & custom coded affiliate panel that allows you to check how many clicks and sales you have made. This affiliate panel is updated every 5 minutes. This means you can track your profit whenever you want, at any place.

Q: How do I get paid?
A: You will get paid by ePassporte. This is a very populair payment processor that can be used worldwide, unlike many other ones! We pay our affiliates bi-monthly respectively on the 1st and 16th of each month.

Q: I don't have ePassporte account, what now?
A: When you sign up to become an affiliate of us, we ask you several details like name, address and postcode. The reason we ask this is because we offer a service that creates an ePassporte account automaticly for affiliates that don't have an account yet for only a minor fee of $25. Therefor it is needed that you provide accurate information. The personal information is encrypted in our database and will never be shared! Let's say you have made $500, and don't have an ePassporte account yet: On the end of the pay period we fetch your details from the database, we create a ePassporte gift account for you for $25 and we automaticly put the rest of the money you have earned on it. This means you will receive your account details in your inbox and when you login you will have $475 on your account balance.

Q: Why ePassporte?
A: ePassporte is the next generation online payment processor. Sending and recieving payments is as easy as paypal. ePassporte does not lock your account like paypal does. The advantage with ePassporte is that you can request a physical credit card that allows you to withdraw ePassporte money from your local bank. You can also purchase things online. The good thing is that when we pay you, you can directly go and buy a new LCD Television in your store! Simple as that!

Join now and make some money!
Whoo Reviewed by Whoo on . V2- Better, Faster & Stronger! 25$ Per sale! How it works: We have coded our own affiliate system, this means that you as a webmaster can make money by promoting our website. The main idea is that you put a link or several links at your website pointing to our site. Whenever you send a visitor that buys membership at Sharenation you will get $25 USD! You are even able to track how many clicks you sent and how many sales you have made from our webmaster Rating: 5