I Think they are locking out accounts with illegal data uploaded, happened with 2 of my friends, btw, i heard something:

Rapidshare allows users to store and retrieve various types of files. Quite often these are movies, music, applications, and subject to copyright. For this reason, the District Court of Hamburg ruled little positive effect, which requires site administrators to take concrete actions and to pay large damages.

The case went to court following a request GEMA - that the German music industry association. It was about five thousand. files that were on RapidShare servers. The court held that the service is responsible for illegal file sharing, thereby rendering the contractors for specific losses - it turned out that, according to court they are really quite large.

Judgement surprised many people - 24 million damages for an infringement of copyright in the end no small amount. Besides, it is necessary to remove all the files identified by GEMA. Would also introduce changes to the site to help you avoid this type of situation.

Some people expect that now from RapidShare begin to disappear en masse mp3, albums, movies and other media that are copyrighted, and consequently the risk of repeating the process, so that this time someone else will rise.

dunno that its true or not, some polish blogger wrote it,I translated it btw.