
I want to sell steam site.

The site: http://www.WinSteamFree.com

Domain registered at Godaddy at 17/05/10
The domain vaild until 17/05/11
The domain made up of 3 words, that's help to SEO.
Pages Indexed: 3

WinSteamFree is game that the user need to guess the number between 1-1000, then if he guess right, he wins steam account.
It's custom design, custom logo, custom script.
You get here 2 domains for this site: www.winsteamfree.com / www.winsteamfree.info
The design alone cost me 50$ (related to steam colors).
Info from Site:
You need to guess the number (between 1-1000). When you come first time to the site you have 1 chance to guess the number, if you guess right you Wins The Steam Account, but if you guess wrong, you don't have another chance to guess the sum.
Some traffic,

For the buyer:
I push free the domains via Godaddy.
Free Installation on your server.

Package Include:
2 Domains - COM/INFO
Custom Script
Custom Design
Custom Logo

BiN - 35$

Payment - Paypal.

MSN - aviv_amram@msn.com


Added after 3 Days 6 Hours:

Now it's Auction:
Start BiD : 5$
Min Inc. : 1$


ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . Win Steam Account For Free - Custom Build - WinSteamFree.com Hi, I want to sell steam site. The site: http://www.WinSteamFree.com Domain: Domain registered at Godaddy at 17/05/10 The domain vaild until 17/05/11 The domain made up of 3 words, that's help to SEO. Rating: 5