MystreamTV.Com staff is glad to announce a new way to MAKE MONEY for all the our readers and everyone who like to writte articles.
How it works ?
Users can sign up on the blog and when that is done they can post articles about the categories are shown here,you can suggest more by contacting. In their profile panel they have an option to add their AdSense publisher ID to their account so the posts will have their adsense in.See the screenshot below :

This way they can make money with every article they writte. AdSense will be shared at a ratio of 95 to 5 meaning .So the user gets 95 page views out of 100. Me as the owner will only get 5 views per 100 visitors.

  • You can Copy Paste other blog or sites article,but you have to mention the source,otherwise the article will not be accepted.
  • All images must be hosted in our blog with the Wordpress default image inserter in the post panel.
  • All posts will be moderated

What about backlinks and indexing?

I have found a way to produce ~50 backlinks per post which is published at any time. Some of them even include PR 7, while some are lower. This will help to increase the spider visits to the blog and index every post there is. I even created a Facebook fan page and a Twitter account [8200+ followers] when every article published on the blog is sent to the Twitter account and FaceBook. This helps building up a steady amount of backlinks because in Google’s eyes when a site goes viral or is just indexed, backlinks need to keep coming from all different sources. So you can expect some heavy backlink building from my side to make the website a success.
Of course when you create a article you basically create a complete WordPress post which is indexed by Google. Therefore you can build backlinks yourself to the post to increase the visitor amount and moreover if you add your AdSense publisher ID you can make money while practically doing nothing.
Advertisements on single posts. use a Wordpress Plugin that allows an administrator to share revenue with the members of a blog.If you register an account you can add your publisher ID in the Edit Profile section. When you do so, your publisher ID will be added to every ad on a articles you will be posting. Like I said before, this will happen 95 times out of 100. The other 5 times will be used to insert my own publisher’s ID.
The current set of ads on a page are:

  • 300 x 250 before the content
  • 468 x 60 before the title
  • 300 x 250 below the content of the article

All these ads appear on single post and you can check you Adsense Publisher ID in your posts.
So if you’re interested in joining me in this concept and have some suggestions/feedback, email me or comment here in this post and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Feel free to join :
Mastercool Reviewed by Mastercool on . Make Money by posting articles MystreamTV.Com staff is glad to announce a new way to MAKE MONEY for all the our readers and everyone who like to writte articles. How it works ? Users can sign up on the blog and when that is done they can post articles about the categories are shown here,you can suggest more by contacting. In their profile panel they have an option to add their AdSense publisher ID to their account so the posts will have their adsense in.See the screenshot below : Rating: 5