Lesbo... can be very sexy.
Gay.... Eww, doesn't look sexy.

In my personal opinion, Lesbo/Gay I think is ok for 'fun' (like... get bored with your girlfriend... so she brings another friend around and have sex) as for a relationship with someone your own gender... I find it creepy, BUT, it's fine for them todo - I have no problem with that (it's their life) but I don't like being around them since it makes me feel awkward (can't help how I feel).

Why not let people believe what they want and not interfear with them? - logic can be applied with marrage (in the Uk they are trying to legalise gay marrage - the christian type of marrage - in a church etc - when they already have civil partnership) they shouldn't do this simply because it's against what christians believe.

^ sort of related: Freedom of speech needs to be 100% free otherwise 'freedom' is a false word - at the moment 'freedom' if purely propaganda tool to make us feel free - when we all know we have limits. Sure, it's morally wrong saying something very harse to a black person or a gay person or a black gay person [hmmm] but it shouldn't be illegal - morals shouldn't make up the law.