The work crew erected the hotel -- a soundproofed, thermal-insulated structure reportedly built to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake -- with all prefabricated materials. In other words, a crew of off-site factory workers built the sections, and their on-site counterparts arranged them on the foundation for the Ark project.



It's funny how people say "Communism was defeated", when the leading power in the world will be a Communist nation!
kuzukuzu Reviewed by kuzukuzu on . Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days! The work crew erected the hotel -- a soundproofed, thermal-insulated structure reportedly built to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake -- with all prefabricated materials. In other words, a crew of off-site factory workers built the sections, and their on-site counterparts arranged them on the foundation for the Ark project. Source video: It's funny how people say "Communism was defeated", when the leading power in the world will be a Rating: 5