May be selling this domain name including database of 13,000+ manually written posts and tons of Members, about 3000+ Members.

Currently have 30 regular porn posters who most of which upload their own content so every morning all you have to do is check submitted posts and approve them, then submit to DDL Sites or setup an autosubmit cron job, piece of piss.

I personally wrote about 6,000 posts myself, took a long time but was well worth it for the search engine traffic.

Site makes me $750 / Month from TotemCash and VideosZ, not much i know but bear in mind i put very little effort into the site and so will you.

Unique Daily Visitors:

That peak in traffic happens every now and again and that one day made me $400, we just fluctuated to the 1st page of Google for the keyword "Free Porn" which gets millions of searches, now up and down between page 2 and page 7 and sends on average 400 hits a day just from that keyword. Steady traffic between 22k and 25k on normal days, increasing at weekends ofcourse.

I split tested with different keywords, descriptions and content for a 4month period to get it as big as it is now so you will be buying a fully optimized web site that requires little effort to maintain.

Daily Pageviews - From WP Blog Stats: uses the Wordpress Script which once again requires little maintenance as it runs itself.

Search Engine Traffic for one day:

As you can see on a regular day "Free Porn" sends great traffic to and this alone gives the web site substantial value as it takes a very long time to appear in the Top 10 results for this keyword, domain is around 4 years old. There are over 8,200 different keywords in which people found by Google.

Page 1 on Google for:
rapidshare porn
megaupload porn
netload porn
filefactory porn
free porn - (alternates between page 1 and 3)

We run a standard toplist on and over 80 active web sites take part competing in it, average ratio for toplist is 1:3 meaning every hit a web site sends through the toplist results in 3 hits back.

Serious Offers only
! As i can just leave this web site running in the background of my main projects and it can pay for all my servers and personal bills itself.

H3x Reviewed by H3x on . - May Be Selling May be selling this domain name including database of 13,000+ manually written posts and tons of Members, about 3000+ Members. Currently have 30 regular porn posters who most of which upload their own content so every morning all you have to do is check submitted posts and approve them, then submit to DDL Sites or setup an autosubmit cron job, piece of piss. I personally wrote about 6,000 posts myself, took a long time but was well worth it for the search engine traffic. Site makes me Rating: 5