Dear Webmasters,

Born - 12.02.2011
Email -

First of all we want to share our success with you whom we got in very short span of time with the help & support of all of you.

Current Web Statics on 27.04.2011
Alexa – 751,985
Total Submissions - 40K +
Thanks to all webmasters to submitting on FreshDDL.
Motive of this thread:
Here you can Request for Re-rating, Support and give your precious feedback to improve us.

Site rating criteria is as under :

1* New sites (Text/Button Linkback require)
2* after 200 submissions (Text/Button Linkback require)
3* after 400 Unique submissions (Button Linkback require)(FS or SO as a primary host)
4* after 800 Unique submissions (Button Linkback require)(FS,SO,HF as a primary host)
5* after 1200+ Unique submissions (Button Linkback require)(FS,SO,HF as a primary host)

Button And Link

<!--Start FreshDDL--><a href="" target="_blank" title="FreshDDL"><img src="" alt="FreshDDL" width="88" height="31" border="0"></a><!--End FreshDDL-->


<!--Start FreshDDL--><a href="" title="FreshDDL" target="_blank">FreshDDL</a><!--End FreshDDL-->
Link to submit your downloads:

Linkback will help you to increase your rating in FreshDDL as well as it will good for your site visits & download ratio.

Whitelist your site here (Instant Whitelist):
Submission Guidance and Rules
Please read submission guidance and follow submission rules while posting your contents to FreshDDL.

Submission rules -

All kinds of suggestions, criticism, feature requests, questions, and general comments are welcomed.
Support us by spreading our links.


Updates for FreshDDL:
  • New clean skin have been added
  • Instant Whitelisting system
  • Firefox 4 submit tool
  • Mass DDL autosubmit with Firefox 4 plugin (Will be launch soon)
  • Advanced search bar

With warm regards,
FreshDDL Manager
gtaclub Reviewed by gtaclub on . [Official] FreshDDL Thread Dear Webmasters, URL - Born - 12.02.2011 Email - First of all we want to share our success with you whom we got in very short span of time with the help & support of all of you. Rating: 5