Anybody can fix FS upload plugin with filename likes
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<table width=600 align=center>
<tr><td align=center>
<div id=info width=100% align=center>Retrive upload ID</div>

* Enter your default Login & Password below (if applicable) *
$fs_login = ""; // Username
$fs_pass = ""; // Password

$continue_up = false;

if ($_REQUEST ['action'] == "FORM" or (strlen($fs_login) > 0 && strlen($fs_pass) > 0)) {
    $continue_up = true;
    if (strlen($fs_login) > 0 && strlen($fs_pass) > 0) {
        $_REQUEST['my_login'] = $fs_login;
        $_REQUEST['my_pass'] = $fs_pass;
} else {
    echo "<table border=1 style='width: 540px;' cellspacing=0 align=center>";
    echo "    <form method=post><input type=hidden name=action value='FORM' />";
    echo "    ";
    echo "    <tr >";
    echo "      <td colspan=4 align=center height=25px ><b>Enter Account</b> </td>";
    echo "    </tr>";
    echo "    <tr>";
    echo "        <td nowrap>&nbsp;Login        ";
    echo "        <td>&nbsp;<input name=my_login value='' style='width: 160px;' />&nbsp;    ";    
    echo "        <td nowrap>&nbsp;Password        ";
    echo "        <td>&nbsp;<input type=password name=my_pass value='' style='width: 160px;' />&nbsp;    ";
    echo "    </tr>    ";
    echo "    <tr><td colspan=4 align=center><input type=submit value='Upload' /></tr>    ";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "</form>";


if ($continue_up) {
    if (empty ( $_REQUEST ['my_login'] ) || empty ( $_REQUEST ['my_pass'] )) {
        html_error("Empty login/pass.");        
    global $Referer;
    $loginUrl = "";
    $Referer = "";    
    $post = array();
    $post["autoLogin"] = true;
    $post["loginUserName"] = $_REQUEST ['my_login'];
    $post["loginUserPassword"] = $_REQUEST ['my_pass'];
    $post["loginFormSubmit"] = true;
    //$page = $this->GetPage( $loginUrl, 0, $post, $Referer1 , 0, $_GET["proxy"]);
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/login.php", $Referer, 0, $post, 0, "");
    is_present($page, 'Username doesn\'t exist', 'Error - Username doesn\'t exist!');
    is_present($page, 'Wrong password', 'Error - Wrong password');
    //if (!stristr ( $page, "<h3>Premium</h3>" )) {
    //    html_error("Your account is not a premium account.");        
    $cookie = GetCookies( $page );

    $page = geturl("", 80, "/", "", $cookie, 0, 0, "");


    preg_match('/id="uploadHostURL" value="(.+?)"/', $page, $result);
    $uploadHostURL = $result[1];        
    preg_match('/id="userId" value="(.+?)"/', $page, $result);
    $userId = $result[1];        
    //echo "userId: ".$userId."<BR>";
    //$cookie = GetCookies( $page );
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/upload-track.php", $Referer,$cookie, 0, 0, "");

    if (!stristr($page,"sessionId")){
        html_error("Fail to upload!");
    preg_match('/sessionId":"(.+?)"/', $page, $result);
    $sessionId = $result[1];
    print "<script>document.getElementById('info').style.display='none';</script>";

    $action_url = "http://".$uploadHostURL."/upload/upload.php?X-Progress-ID=".$sessionId;
    $path = "/upload/upload.php?X-Progress-ID=".$sessionId;
    $url = parse_url($action_url);
    $post = array();
    $post["affiliateId"] = "";    
    $post["subAffiliateId"] = "";
    $post["landingId"] = "";    
    $post["userId"] = $userId;
    $post["uploadSessionId"] = $sessionId;
    $post["uploadHostURL"] = $uploadHostURL;
    preg_match('/fs(.+?)u/', $uploadHostURL, $serverId);
    $post["serverId"] = $serverId[1];
    $upfiles=upfile($uploadHostURL,80,$path,$Referer, $cookie, $post, $lfile, $lname, "file");

    print "<div id=info width=100% align=center>Retrive file link</div>";
    $path = "/upload/progress.php?X-Progress-ID=".$sessionId."&callback=jsonp1275372927989&_=1275373001197";
    $page = geturl($uploadHostURL, 80, $path, $Referer,$cookie, 0, 0, "");    
    $post = array();

    $post["uploadSessionId[]"] = $sessionId;    

    $page = geturl("", 80, "/upload-result.php", $Referer,$cookie, $post, 0, "");    
    if (!stristr($page,"")){
        html_error("Fail to upload!");
    $key = cut_str($page, "", "\n");
    $download_link = "".$key;
// written by charles 31/05/10
// added option to enter a default account (by Jueki @ 03/07/10)
Thankz for reading
chipve Reviewed by chipve on . Anybody can fix FS upload plugin with filename ? Anybody can fix FS upload plugin with filename likes Now it likes <table width=600 align=center> </td></tr> <tr><td align=center> <div id=info width=100% align=center>Retrive upload ID</div> <?php Rating: 5